Oct 4 - 20, 2024
The Light In Our Eyes
ACC collaborates with the Hudson Athens Lighthouse Preservation Society (HALPS) to commemorate the 150th birthday of this iconic beacon, partnering with high schools in Athens-Coxsackie, Catskill, and Hudson. Student artworks about the lighthouse, river life, and river lore were exhibited, along with poetry and long-form writing created in the classroom.
Sep 13 - 29, 2024
Soft Simulation
“This work explores the geometry of the face and head, using that shape as a base for repeating patterns. Nature is full of examples in which a unit, be it a scale, a marking or a petal, repeats to cover a larger form, creating a pattern over the object.” A textile sculptural window show by Kingston based artist, Felix Beaudry.

Aug 2 - Sep 8, 2024
Twenty / 20
Curated by Carrie Feder, the exhibition Twenty/20 celebrates the 20th anniversary of the Athens Cultural Center by exploring the multiple meanings of “twenty,” as a number, an anniversary, a cycle and as a symbol of change, passage of time, transformation and growth.

June 7 - july 21, 2024
Next to the Wild: The Seen and the Discovered
Artists Mary Ann Strandell and Michael Rees intertwine marriage with their shared artistic journey, delving into the theme of "the wild" using advanced technologies like rapid prototyping and AR.
MAy 3 - 19, 2024
Artistic explorations
ACC annually collaborates with Coxsackie-Athens School District, showcasing student art across many mediums. The 2024 exhibition, led by dedicated teachers, promotes community pride and inclusivity.

mar 30 to april 21, 2024
A perennial favorite among everyone curious about ACC, the spring members' exhibition has matured every year in both its scale and artistic prowess. This year’s exhibition features over 110 artworks from more than 60 artists, all ably curated by ACC community members Lucy Michener and Dandy Michener.
FEB 24 to MAR 10, 2024
Brush Form Focus brings together the distinct perspectives of four of ACC’s accomplished member artists. Working across painting, photography, and sculpture, Richard Bazelow, Lucy Bohnsack, Millie Goldberg, and Marianne Van Lent delve into themes of nature, time, and memory, coming together to offer a unique gallery experience.
JAN 13 to FEB 11, 2024
Sean Desiree and Yangyang Rawden explore the transformative power of physical movement in processing information and shaping thoughts. The show offers prompts and interventions to help us understand how lived experience and conscious/unconscious choices affect our lives and the lives of others.

NOV 3 to DEC 9, 2023
One Foot SqUAre
A show featuring small works (with dimensions of a foot or less) submitted by ACC supporting members. Curated by Lucy Michener and Dandy Michener.

OCT 18 to OCT 31, 2023
Catskill-based artist Maeve McCool investigates the history of abandoned sites of labor and life in Greene County, NY through paintings and drawings. Her work delves into the rumors and ridiculous stories of the vacant Friar Tuck Inn, the crumbling and enormous Cementon factory and its missing town of Alsen, and the destruction of Willard’s Alley, a mostly black neighborhood, for the building of a parking lot.

Sept 23 to OCT 15, 2023
A collection of paintings depicting special properties protected by the Greene Land Trust, and properties that deserve protection. Featuring plein air paintings of local landscapes by Sue Barrasi, James Coe, Kevin Cook, James Cramer, Ann Larsen, Susan M. Story, Liza Tivey, Marlene Wiedenbaum, and Leslie Yolen.

Sept 1 to Sept 17, 2023
Lucid Dream Minigolf
A traveling, existential, heartfelt, pop-up minigolf course and interactive theater piece created by Brendan Bo O’Connor and Liam Singer. Directed by Brendan Bo O’Conner.

AuGuST 4 to AuGuST 27, 2023
A Copious Flow
Featuring Phoebe Berglund, Maggie Hazen, David Horvitz, Julia Weist
Organized by Shandaken Projects and co-sponsored by the Athens Cultural Center

photos by Lynda Shenkman
June 2 to July 23, 2023
Kindred spirits
Featuring Beatrice Glow, Paula Hayes, Jim Holl, Daniel Lanzilotta, Athena LaTocha, Jason Middlebrook, Alisa Sikelianos-Carter, Susan Wides
Curated by Becky Hart, Curatorial Assistance by Lynda Shenkman, Exhibition Assistance by Lori Vega

photos by Lynda Shenkman
April 22 to May 21, 2023
In This Moment
Featuring Vicki Alderman-Watt, Kym Apotas, Richard Armstrong, Debbie Auer-Breithaupt, George Baker, Sarah Barker, Glenn Bauer, Richard Bazelow, Madeline Behrmann, Sarah Katherine Bleibtreu, Barbara Blessing, Natalie Boburka, Karen Moak Boeri, Lucy Bohnsack, James Bouler, Lynn Dreese Breslin, Dan Bridge, Olga Cascione, Dot Chast, Elaine Chu, Kirby Crone, Chris DeMarco, Linda Diamond, Barbara Eichin, James Ewing, Clare Felice, Melissa Forbes, Cam Goldberg. Millie Goldberg. Tom Hackett, Regina Harris, Eden Hart, Laura Hart, Karen Helmerson, Nancy R. Hilscher, Carter Hodgkin, Christine Hughes, Dawna Johnson, Ellen Jouret-Epstein, Barbara Kalina, Peter Keitel, Hanka/Anna Kostro, Will Kurtz, Ruth Leonard, David Lesako, Elizabeth MacFarland, Luis Macia, Ellen Mahnken, Tina Martinez, Kate Masters, Dan McCormack, Claudia McNulty, Patrick Millbourn, Ann Morris, MaryAnn Murphy, Susan Nicolini, David Oliver, Ken Pangburn, AnnMarie Plass, Joyce Polance, Nancy Poylo, Angie & Gary Proper, Sandra Pysher, Pamela Quick, Ellen Roth, Jesse M Sanchez, Beth Schneck, Brad Schwebler, Gail Shegerian, Linda D Starr, Peg Taylor, Ryan Tracy, Alice Tunison, Anya Ulinich, Marianne Van Lent, Margery Crawford Wiesehahn, Susan Zimet. Special Exhibition: K. Velis Turan
Curated by Diane Michener with exhibit design assistance by Lucy Michener

photos by Lynda Shenkman
MARCH 3 To APRiL 2, 2023
artistic explorations
Art from CACSD Students curated by their art teachers: Elisa Futia, Lori Morris, Kayla Ramundo, and Andy Olstad

photos by Lynda Shenkman
January 6 to FeBRUARY 4, 2023
Man Alive! (memento mori)
Featuring V Haddad and Clare Felice

SEPTEMBER 17 to oCToBER 23, 2022
Seasons of Greene
Featuring Scott Balfe, Jay Brooks, Bruce Bundock, James Coe, Kevin Cook, James Cramer, Keith Gunderson, Ann Larsen, Lynn Palumbo, Leigh Ann Smith, Susan Story, Marlene Wiedenbaum, Ken Wilson
Presented by Greene Land Trust and Athens Cultural Center

photos by Lynda Shenkman
Milkweed and Wild Cucumber
Featuring Jake Coan

photos by Lynda Shenkman
JuLy 22 to SEPTEMBER 4, 2022
On Pins and Needles
Featuring Textile Art by: Nora Adelman, Gary Avanzato, Margot Becker, Lucy Bohnsack, Trevi Fountain, Triona Fritsch, Kathy Greenwood, Valerie Hammond, Becky Hart, Darius Homayounpourz, Lee Houck, Dawna Johnson, Ellen Jouret-Epstein, Hui Lee, Loki Anthony, Claudia McNulty, Rachael Marino, Tina Martinez, Lucy Michener, Kris Gregson Moss, Richard Saja, Kiki Smith, Debra A. Steup, Vincent Tiley, Becca Van K, Chantal Van-Wierts, K. Velis Turan, Steven Ziglar
Curated by Diane Michener with exhibit design assistance by Lucy Michener

photos by Lynda Shenkman
June 3 To June 26, 2022
Featuring Rosemary Reyes, Patrick Costello, George Dupont, Kirby Crone, Cal B, Rebecca Lyons, Nancy Kim, Ryan Smith, Gretchen Wall, Darius Homayounpour, Roxie Darlin, Tom Picasso, Jenni Ghetti, Julie Chase, Dina Bursztyn, Danielle Klebes, Tom Gleeson, Mike Caputo, Daniel Malpica, Jenna Petrone, Atlas, Azilezer, Stephen Honicki, Sam Sebren, John Cooley, Coxsackie High Inclusivity Club, Renee Samuels, Carter Lou McElroy, Ryan Tracy, Hala, Farika, Nathan Gwirtz, Gary Avanzato, Various Pride Ephemera from the collection of: Jane Raftery & Marya Warshaw, Daniel Ragone.
Curated by: Carter Lou & Farika

photos by Lynda Shenkman